How to Decide if You Need Braces  

Maybe you have known for years that your child would need braces one day and now that day is here. You could also be considering braces for yourself if you never had the opportunity to straighten your teeth when you were younger.

Whatever your situation, Hockenberger Orthodontics understands that the decision to get braces in Norton, Wadsworth, and Akron, OH is not an easy one. We provide some obvious and not so obvious signs that you or your child could benefit from braces in this blog.

Indications of Needing Braces for Children and Adults

Visible misalignment or crooked teeth is one of the obvious signs of needing orthodontic treatment. However, did you know that getting braces does more than improve your smile? Misalignment and other common issues make it challenging to keep teeth clean and result in more expensive dental issues down the line. Here are some other signs:

  • Flossing between crooked or poorly aligned teeth is difficult or impossible
  • Jawline feels fatigued after chewing food
  • Frequently cutting tongue with teeth or biting it
  • Difficulty producing certain speech sounds due to the tongue’s position
  • Your jaw often clicks or makes other noises when you open your mouth wide.
  • Breathing through the mouth as much as possible
  • Thumb sucking or using a pacifier past age two
  • Losing baby teeth too late or too early
  • Teeth never come fully together even with a closed mouth

The American Academy of Orthodontics now recommends that children see an orthodontist for the first time by age seven. Even though they are unlikely to get braces for several years, visiting an orthodontist early allows for more efficient monitoring and improved planning over the years.

Schedule a Consultation to See if You’re a Good Candidate for Braces

Hockenberger Orthodontics invites all new patients to schedule a time to learn more about orthodontic treatment and the different types of braces available.