Are Clear Braces the Right Orthodontic Treatment Option for You?

People who need braces today have more options about how they choose to treat their orthodontic issues than they ever did in the past. Over the last several years, clear braces have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. Although clear braces in Norton, OH, contain wires and brackets just as standard braces do, your braces aren’t as noticeable since they are clear and not metal.

Clear Braces Are Close to the Same Color as Your Teeth

The reason that clear braces are so much more discreet than metal braces is that both the brackets and wires are tooth-colored. You will view the different color shades before Dr. Hockenberger affixes the brackets and wires to your teeth, and then choose the one that is the closest match to your natural shade. These types of braces correct the same type of orthodontic issues as standard braces, including alignment issues, crowded or crooked teeth, overbites, and underbites.

Orthodontic manufacturers create brackets from ceramic materials and then frost the wires to match them. The one downside to consider is that you may need to wear braces for a slightly longer period since ceramic braces are not as strong as metal braces.

Other Considerations of Clear Braces

Since you can see food particles trapped in your braces more easily when they are clear, it is less challenging to care for your oral hygiene. You should avoid consuming dark-colored foods and beverages as much as possible while wearing clear braces to ensure they don’t stain the brackets or your teeth. The effects of smoking also show up more with clear braces, so plan to quit now if you smoke.

Please schedule a consultation with Hockenberger Orthodontics when you’re ready to learn more about clear braces in Norton, OH.

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